A new RealFlight Evolution beta, version 10.10.101, is now available. It includes some worthwhile rendering and user interface improvements. This version builds on the previously released 10.10.087; it includes all those still-beta changes, plus a revamp of the Challenge selection menus, support for QCP2 DLC, and some other improvements. We would like to allow time for beta testing and feedback before releasing it to everyone. The new “Image Quality” setting controls the resolution at which visuals are computed before they are displayed. At values above Normal it produces an antialiasing effect through supersampling. View the setting description for more details. [hr][/hr] [h1]Release Notes:[/h1] Many of these items are carried over from previous beta version 10.10.087. New items are italicized. [b]Features[/b] [list] [*]Added Image Quality setting, located here: Settings -> Graphics -> Display -> Image Quality [*]Added support for 2024 Quarterly Content Pack 2 DLC [/list] [b]Rendering Improvements/Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Reduced color banding in the sky. This is especially noticeable in VR. [list] [*]Sky dithering improvements are an example of something made possible by the update to DirectX 11 [/list][*]Reworked rendering of stars in the night sky, making color differences more obvious [*]Added a subtle flicker effect to the stars [*]Added support for more elaborate blinking light behavior on aircraft [list] [*]We will post more details in the [url=https://forums.realflight.com/index.php?forums/realflight-evolution-designers-corner.304/]RealFlight Evolution - Designer's Corner forum[/url] so custom content creators can take advantage of this new system as well[/list][*]Added resolutionScaleOverride console command to allow fine-tuning the new Image Quality behavior [/list] [b]User Interface Improvements/Fixes[/b] [list] [*][i]Replaced Challenge selection menus with an updated version[/i] [*][i]Added keyboard & controller navigation support to remaining in-challenge dialogs (e.g., level begin, level complete, level failed)[/i] [*]Possible fix for UI lag that occasionally coincided with RealFlight gaining and losing focus [*]Added high-quality aircraft preview images in the main menu (work in progress; some of these need further tweaking before full release) [*]Added DLC as a filter type in the aircraft and airport selection menus [*]Introduced a missing setting to control whether the multiplayer simulation sound reduction setting is applied in MP sessions [*]Misc. other improvements [/list] [b]Other Improvements/Fixes[/b] [list] [*][i]Fixed a bug in third-party code that caused the Multiplayer Join dialog to crash in the full public release. We're not aware of it causing any problems in the betas, but it seems like it should have, so we're documenting that the fix from 10.10.100 (public) also exists in this beta build.[/i] [/list] [b]Aircraft[/b] [list] [*][i]E-flite Air Tractor 1.5m (all variants): Wingtip strobe lights blink correctly[/i] [*][i]Hangar 9 Aermacchi MB-339 60-85N Turbine (both variants): Vehicle description lists the correct brake channel number[/i] [/list] [hr][/hr] [b]How to Get the Beta Build[/b] [olist] [*]Restart your Steam client to ensure it is aware of the new version. [olist] [*]Right-click the Steam icon in your system tray and select Exit. [*]Once everything closes, run Steam again.[/olist][*]Right-click on RealFlight Evolution in your Steam library, then select [b]Properties…[/b] [*]In the Properties window, select [b]Betas[/b] on the left. [*]Click the [b]Beta Participation[/b] dropdown control to expand the list. [*]Select “publicbeta_directx11”. [*]Close the Properties dialog. [*]Steam will now download the new version. [/olist]You can switch back and forth between the beta and the default (non-beta) distribution branch at any time. Simply perform steps 2-7 above, except in step 5 choose “None” instead of “publicbeta_directx11”.